Media Partner
What We Offer You
Listing in our event Brochure.
Listing logos online under our Media Partner section on event page.
What You Offer Us
Publish news articles on website.
Publish news articles on social media.
Publish news articles in newsletters.
Calendar listing of events. (If applicable)

Media Partner
What We Offer You
Listing in our event Brochure.
Listing logos online under our Media Partner section on event page.
Listing about info on our website.
What You Offer Us
Publish news articles on website.
Publish news articles on social media.
Publish news articles in newsletters.
Calendar listing of events.
List banners on website.

Media Partner
What We Offer You
Listing in our event Brochure.
Listing logos online under our Media Partner section on event page.
Listing Logo next to strategic partners under our "Official Media Partner" section.
What You Offer Us
Publish news articles on website.
Publish news articles on social media.
Publish news articles in newsletters.
Calendar listing of events.
List banners on website.
2 full page adverts or leaderboard banners over a 3 month period.

Upon Acceptance Kindly Submit the Following:
Logo (JPEG or PNG format of good quality)
Company website address
Banner request dimensions (For Media Partner website)
Your organization will gain extensive exposure to gaming industry professionals (Internationally) with acknowledgment as our Media Partner, throughout the event campaigns.
N.B: Please note that NascentEdge will regard receipt of Your Company Logo for listing as your Understanding and agreement to the above terms and conditions. Failure to adhere to the above will result in termination of the agreement.